Transition Initiative Somali (TIS) (Delayed)
The project goal is to bring economic activities to the road transport corridor between the port of Gara'ad via the town of Galcaio to the border between Somalia and Ethiopia. The most important activity in the corridor is the raising of livestock. In addition fishery is an important, but hugely underdeveloped source of income to the coastal population. The products of both activities are generally exported to countries in the region.
A principal beneficiary of improved infrastructure in the corridor should be the livestock sector. Transports from the grazing ground should be done by trucks via the main corridor road. In addition, appropriate slaughtering and cool storage facilities should be developed in the Gara'ad port area. Assistance to livestock sector should also comprise technical as well as material assistance, training regarding animal health, land and water management.
The project also supports and develops the local fishing industry via technical and material support to the fishing communities. Assistance comprise of fish and seafood processing facilities of international standards, cooling and freezing facilities and fish stock management training.
The project aims to develop a medium sized modern seaport capable of handling container traffic; bulk traffic as well as irregular cargo. The port and its services will provide direct and indirect employment.
The final pillar of the project is the development of a regional airport at Galcaio. Due to its strategic position the airport will serve as a hub for numerous destinations in East and Northeast Africa and the Middle East. The airport will be equipped with a runway, taxi ways and parking for most sizes of cargo as well as passenger planes. The airport and its services will also provide direct and indirect employment.
Lastly, the airport in Galcaio, already in operation for more than 30 years could be developed as a regional hub for cargo and passengers coming from Europe and East Asia and going to a large number of often smaller destinations in the Horn of Africa.